Responsable Kathleen Miranda
Última actualización 20/08/2024
Tiempo de finalización 1 hora 39 minutos
Miembros 69
    • RMA Overview
    • How to create sales manually
    • How do customers process a return
    • RMA Email Workflow
    • Step 1. When RMA was recorded
    • Step 2. RMA Manager to approve the RMA Draft
    • Step 3. Front Office to receive RMA once approved
    • Step 4. Warehouse to receive Return items
    • Step 5. Release a credit memo once RMA was approved
    • Order Cancellation
    • Return to Sender
    • Dropship Return
    • Damage In Transit (Miscellaneous)
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Dropship Odoo Vendor Portal
    • Damage Report
    • Chargeback Order
    • GMP - RMA