Health Ranger Store Versión de Odoo 15.0+e-20220506

Información sobre Health Ranger Store instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instaladas

De presupuestos a facturas
Simplify Access Management | Manage - Hide Menu, Submenu, Fields, Action, Reports, Views, | Restrict/Read-Only User, Apps, Fields, Export, Archive, Actions, Views, Reports, Delete items | Manage Access rights from one place | Hide Tabs and buttons | Multi Company supported.
All In One Access Management App for setting the correct access rights for fields, models, menus, views for any module and for any user. All in one access management App, Easier then Record rules setup, Centralize access rules, User wise access rules, Show only what is needed for users, Access rules setup, Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu, Any Field, Any Report, Any Button, Easy To Configure, Main Features:- Hide fields, Hide Buttons, Hide Tabs, Hide views, Hide Contacts, Hide Menus, Hide submenus, Hide sub-menus, Hide reports, Hide actions, Hide server actions, Hide import, Hide delete, Hide archive, Hide Tree view, Hide Form view, Hide Kanban view, Hide Calendar view, Hide Pivot, Hide Graph view, Hide Apps, Hide object buttons, Hide action buttons, Hide smart buttons, Readonly Any Field, read only user, readonly user, Hide create, Hide duplicate, Control every fields, Control every views, Control every buttons, Control every actions. Multi Company supported.
Facturas y pagos
Advanced Web Domain Widget
Set all relational fields domain by selecting its records unsing `in, not in` operator.
Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
Sitio web
Constructor de sitio web empresarial
Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
Gestionar la contabilidad financiera y analítica.
Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
Organiza y planea tus proyectos
Fabricar Órdenes & Listas de Materiales
Partes de horas
Seguimiento al tiempo de empleados en tareas
Cree y personalice sus aplicaciones Odoo
Gestión de documentos
Asigne PTO y siga las peticiones de permisos
Centralice la información de los empleados
Sale Integration with External Services
Odoo Shopify Connector PRO
Export products and your current stock from Odoo, and get orders from Shopify. Update order status and provide tracking numbers to your customers. All this automatically and instantly.
Odoo Shopify Connector PRO Extension
Export products and your current stock from Odoo, and get orders from Shopify. Update order status and provide tracking numbers to your customers. All this automatically and instantly.
Odoo WooCommerce Connector PRO
Export products and your current stock from Odoo, and get orders from WooCommerce. Update order status and provide tracking numbers to your customers; All this automatically and instantly!
Segumiento a equipo y administración de solicitudes de mantenimiento
RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) in Odoo
Manage Return Merchandize Authorization (RMA) in Odoo. Allow users to manage Return Orders, Replacement, Refund & Repair in Odoo.The RMA solution from Emipro helps to efficiently accept return request from the customer, provide them the option to get a refund, repair or replacement, and accordingly manage various operational aspects in Odoo such as creating return receipts, delivery orders, credit notes, adjusting stock levels, etc.Emipro is also having integration for well known ecommerce solutions or applications named as Woocommerce connector , Shopify connector , magento connector and also we have solutions for Marketplace Integration such as Odoo Amazon connector , Odoo eBay connector , Odoo walmart Connector , Odoo connector.Aside from ecommerce integration and ecommerce marketplace integration, we also provide solutions for various operations, such as shipping , logistics , shipping labels , and shipping carrier management with our shipping integration , known as the Shipstation connector.For the customers who are into Dropship business, we do provide EDI Integration that can help them manage their Dropshipping business with our Dropshipping integration or Dropshipper integration It is listed as Dropshipping EDI integration and Dropshipper EDI integration.Emipro applications can be searched with different keywords like Amazon integration , Shopify integration , Woocommerce integration, Magento integration , Amazon vendor center module , Amazon seller center module , Inter company transfer , eBay integration , integration , inventory management , warehouse transfer module , dropship and dropshipper integration and other Odoo integration application or module
Activity Base
Activity Management Odoo, Activity Scheduler Odoo, Manage Project Activity, Manage Employee Activity Module, Manage Supervisor Activity, Filter Completed Activity,filter planned Activity Odoo
Dynamic Product Labels | All In One Barcode Labels | Product Template Barcode Label
Product Custom Labels Custom Product Label Template Print sale barcode label purchase barcode label Dynamic Product Page Label invoice barcode label Product Barcode Label stock barcode Label With Fields Barcode Labels for Product Template Odoo
Shopify Odoo Connector
Our Shopify Connector helps you in integrating and managing your Shopify store with Odoo by providing the most useful features of Product and Order Synchronization. This solution is compatible with our other apps i.e. Amazon, ebay, magento, Inter Company Transfer, Shipstation.Apart from Odoo Shopify Connector, we do have other ecommerce solutions or applications such as Woocommerce connector, Magento Connector, and also we have solutions for Marketplace Integration such as Odoo Amazon Connector, Odoo eBay Connector, Odoo Walmart Connector, Odoo Connector.Aside from ecommerce integration and ecommerce marketplace integration, we also provide solutions for various operations, such as shipping , logistics , shipping labels , and shipping carrier management with our shipping integration, known as the Shipstation connector.For the customers who are into Dropship business, we do provide EDI Integration that can help them manage their Dropshipping business with our Dropshipping integration or Dropshipper integration.It is listed as Dropshipping EDI integration and Dropshipper EDI integration.Emipro applications can be searched with different keywords like Amazon integration, Shopify integration, Woocommerce integration, Magento integration, Amazon vendor center module, Amazon seller center module, Inter company transfer, Ebay integration, integration, inventory management, warehouse transfer module, dropship and dropshipper integration and other Odoo integration application or module
Envíe documentos para firmar en línea, recibir y archivar las copias llenadas
Mesa de Ayuda
Da segumiento, prioritiza y resuelve tickets del cliente
Controle la calidad de sus productos
Gestiona y publica en una plataforma eLearning
Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
Centralice su libreta de direcciones
Gestión del ciclo de vida del producto (PLM)
Gestione las órdenes de cambios de ingeniería en productos, listas de materiales
Programa las reuniones de empleados
Crea y valida solicitudes de aprobación
Charla en vivo
Chatea con los visitantes de tu sitio web
Cree sus propios tableros
Reparar productos dañados
Segumiento a asistencias de empleados
Código de barras
Use lectores de código de barras para procesar operaciones logísticas
Organice su trabajo con recordatorios

Localizaciones / plan de cuentas instalados

Información de demostración de las transferencias automáticas
Genérico - Contabilidad
Estados Unidos - Contabilidad
Reporte 1099
Exporte datos 1099 fácilmente para la declaración electrónica de impuestos con un tercero.
Diseño de cheques de EE. UU.
Imprimir cheques de EE.UU.
EE. UU. - Informes de contabilidad